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Case Study: IUD Contraception Clinical Trial Patient Recruitment

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A phase 3 clinical trial evaluating the safety, effectiveness, and tolerability of a long-acting reversible intrauterine system.

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The primary objective of the LevoCept Study was to assess the safety and effectiveness of a novel long-lasting and reversible intrauterine device (IUD). This contraceptive method shares similarities with the hormonal IUDs currently approved by the FDA. However, what sets it apart is its composition of a highly flexible material with a unique spring-like structure. This innovative design aims to conform to the contours of the uterus, maximizing comfort during the insertion process of the device.


The clinical trial faced a challenge due to the striking resemblance of this birth control method to FDA-approved hormonal IUDs already available in the market. Moreover, the existing devices were known to cause painful complications during the insertion procedure. Sebela Pharmaceuticals addressed this challenge by introducing their investigational IUD with a distinct design and insertion method, prioritizing patient comfort. This unique approach became the central focus of the patient recruitment campaign developed for the clinical trial.


  • Saved 4% of their total SaaS spend in the first 3 months, and 16% in the first year working with Zylo
  • Revealed 30% overspend in budget
  • Saved 10 hours per week, allowing more focus on strategic work
  • 75 contracts negotiated by Zylo in year one
  • Reduced number of applications by 10% while experiencing rapid growth
Patient recruitment IUD clinical study branding development poster
Patient recruitment IUD clinical study branding development poster
Patient recruitment IUD clinical study branding development
Patient recruitment IUD clinical study branding development brochure
Patient recruitment IUD clinical study Digital Media Banner Ads
Patient recruitment IUD clinical study branding development brochure

A unique IUD design becomes the unique selling proposition.

The clinical trial’s purpose and study design were presented in a clear and easily comprehensible manner. However, our team encountered a messaging challenge when it came to distinguishing the investigational IUD from other contraceptive options available in the market. We seized this opportunity to educate potential participants about the distinctive design of the device and how it aimed to offer a more comfortable experience. Our focus was on highlighting the fact that not all IUDs are identical and that our audience didn’t have to compromise comfort for protection. By emphasizing this unique selling point, we aimed to empower individuals to make informed decisions regarding their contraception, promoting the idea that comfort and effectiveness can coexist.

Patient recruitment IUD clinical study Print Advertisements
Patient recruitment IUD clinical study branding development study guide

Engaging potential study participants across all digital channels.

In a highly competitive market for female birth control, our campaign required a robust digital marketing strategy to make a lasting impact. We concentrated our efforts on media platforms that resonated strongly with women aged 18 to 35. By strategically utilizing Google search engine marketing, along with targeted advertising on Facebook, Instagram, and banner placements, the campaign generated a substantial number of qualified referrals to local study sites. This approach ensured that our message reached the intended audience effectively and resulted in a significant influx of interested study participants.

Patient recruitment IUD clinical study Digital Media Banner Ads
Patient recruitment IUD clinical study Print Advertisements

Supporting site-based patient enrollment with a suite of outreach tools.

In addition to our centralized patient outreach campaign, our team created a range of site-specific promotional tools to boost enrollment within each site’s patient panels. We developed digital and print materials tailored to each site, allowing study teams to effortlessly deploy them through local media outlets and social media channels. This approach not only contributes to an increased number of referrals, but also enhances engagement and support among site staff. By providing study teams with customizable resources, we fostered a sense of ownership and enthusiasm, leading to improved recruitment and a more collaborative research environment.

Learn how we can put our patient recruitment solutions to work for your next clinical trial.

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