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Case Study: Advocacy for Access

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Creating a platform to help patients with diabetes advocate for the right treatment.

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Advocacy for Access – a patient advocacy program developed by Insulet Corporation – was designed o help those living with, caring for, or managing diabetes advocate for affordable access to diabetes technology. These individuals are often denied access to the latest medical advancements and cutting-edge technology because the treatments aren’t covered by insurance or aren’t supplied by a local pharmacy or distributor.


To help those looking to gain access to either the Omnipod® 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System or the Omnipod DASH® Insulin Delivery System, the patient access team at Insulet tapped Stark / Raving to create a comprehensive advocacy platform and branded system. The website is complete with educational information about advocacy, tools and tips to take action, and a third-party automated social media platform to engage with policy makers.


  • Saved 4% of their total SaaS spend in the first 3 months, and 16% in the first year working with Zylo
  • Revealed 30% overspend in budget
  • Saved 10 hours per week, allowing more focus on strategic work
  • 75 contracts negotiated by Zylo in year one
  • Reduced number of applications by 10% while experiencing rapid growth
Healthcare advocacy group logo and branding design
Healthcare advocacy group website design
Healthcare advocacy group social media campaign creation
Healthcare advocacy group icon and branding design
Healthcare advocacy group website design
Healthcare advocacy group letter copywriting services
Healthcare advocacy group website design
Healthcare advocacy group logo and branding design
Healthcare advocacy group website design
Healthcare advocacy group social media campaign creation
Healthcare advocacy group icon and branding design
Healthcare advocacy group website design
Healthcare advocacy group letter copywriting services
Healthcare advocacy group website design

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